Kepada sape2 yang minat menulis,ini ade berita baik untuk anda.Pernah dgr triond?kalo x pernah dgr,triond ni ialah website yang mengumpulkan segala jenis bahan bacaan dari seluruh dunia untuk kita baca.Uniknya triond ialah setiap bahan bacaan atau artikel terdapat didalamnya ditulis sendiri oleh ahlinya yang berdaftar dan triond membayar setiap kali bahan bacaan itu diklik oleh pengguna2 internet di seluruh dunia!!!Bayarannya akan kita dapat melalui laman paypal(ini pun kita kene daftar) dimana laman paypal adalah sah digunakan di Malaysia.Menarik lagi ialah kita akan mendapat pendapatan dari paypal selagi bahan bacaan kita diklik oleh pengguna internet.senang kata,waktu kita tidur pun entah2 dpt duit jugak.Triond terbukti halal kerana kita berusaha menulis,mencari idea untuk menyediakan bahan bacaan yang diminati orang.maklumat lanjut bleh klik di setiap name triond seperti yang saya tulis ini.Pada pendapat saya,laman triond adalah bagus kerana selain menjana pendapatan,ia juga dapat melatih kita untuk menulis dengan lebih baik..SELAMAT MENCUBA!!!!
P/S: Artikel/Bahan bacaan hendaklah ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
What is
PayBox is developing an online currency and payment processing service to make buying and selling online easier, more secure and available to everyone.Paybox is developed to work Person-to-Person transactions. Users can transfer funds from their PayBox account to other user’s accounts.In time,paybox company is inviting merchants to accept PayBox. This will allow users to pay any merchant who has registered to accept PayBox payments. Paybox also plan to offer debit cards linked to user accounts.In order to form the essential working relationships with large merchants and payment networks, paybox need a bigger user base. What does that mean? More users! Paybox are working to grow user base to 2-5 million users before they can really begin work.Currently they have about 249,000 active users.
The good thing about paybox is now they are giving money and bonus for earlybird participants.Just by sign up new account,paybox will give you $25 us dollars and bonus every hour(check my history transaction!!!).Go here and check it out for yourself.Sign up is free and user friendly..happy trying...=)

Total from my bonuses and payments...hihihihi
The good thing about paybox is now they are giving money and bonus for earlybird participants.Just by sign up new account,paybox will give you $25 us dollars and bonus every hour(check my history transaction!!!).Go here and check it out for yourself.Sign up is free and user friendly..happy trying...=)
Total from my bonuses and payments...hihihihi
Monday, December 6, 2010
End of Life Vehicles and Its Development
Focus on the environmental destruction and disposal problem has become an awareness nowadays. Automotive manufacturing industry throughout the world are confronted with the law of end-of-life vehicle Directive which states that automotive products are should be taken back and recycled after end of its life. European Union End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) directive states that vehicle manufacturers and material and equipment manufacturers must Design and produce vehicles which facilitate the dismantling, re-use, recovery and recycling of end-of-life vehicles.Japan’s End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Law introduced on 1st January 2005 proposed to promote environmental conservation and the effective use of resources to ensure the proper and smooth recycling of end-of-life vehicles. The USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is trying to promote the recycling concept among the vehicle manufacturers. Ford, Daimler Chrysler and General Motors have provided a special program to study how to improve recyclability rate and methods to decrease the current ASR burden.Therefore, many research and development of end-of-life vehicle part and component is carried out by experts from the automotive industry to comply with the laws enforced by End-of-Live (ELV) Directive.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Difference Between Bolt-on and Customized Exhaust Systems
There is a misunderstood among the motoring enthusiasts that bolt-on kits, particularly exhaust systems are the ideal solutions for reviving up their rides. This fails to take into account the different requirements each variant of a car (varying power levels, auto/manual transmissions) needs and most importantly, the specific power delivery characteristics that drivers want/need. There are no magical bolt-on ‘one-fits-all’ systems that could suit every car and driver needs.
By designing the whole exhaust system, the exact characteristics needed by customers can be met with precision, be it low-end torque for brisk acceleration or high-end power for cruising refinement. The designers make no false promises of increasing power two-folds from exhaust modifications alone, instead commits to being able to fine-tune the engine’s power band according to the clients’ preference. The difference between bolt-on and customized systems can be alarmingly large, often defining whether or not you get left for dead at traffic light drag races or deafeningly loud exhaust drone on the highways.
By designing the whole exhaust system, the exact characteristics needed by customers can be met with precision, be it low-end torque for brisk acceleration or high-end power for cruising refinement. The designers make no false promises of increasing power two-folds from exhaust modifications alone, instead commits to being able to fine-tune the engine’s power band according to the clients’ preference. The difference between bolt-on and customized systems can be alarmingly large, often defining whether or not you get left for dead at traffic light drag races or deafeningly loud exhaust drone on the highways.
Monday, November 22, 2010
How to Check a Car Ignition System?
Car that aged more than ten years might have an ignition problem.Here are the examples of ignition problem:
1. Your car engine can't be started.
2. Your car have jerking problem when moving on the road.
3. The engine crank for a long time before it can be started.
4. Your car suddenly die in the middle of your journey.
5. Your car warm up at least 10 minutes(long time) before you can go to work.
6. Sometimes your car is having problem to start in the early of morning or in a cold season.
When you encounter one of this problem,dont panic,you can check your ignition system.Important components for car's ignition system are starter,distributor,alternator,spark plug,cabel plug,fuel filter,fuel pump and battery.Basic guide to check the problem for these components are:
1. Check the starter to see whether it has a lot of carbons
2. Distributor timing might need to tune again.
3. The alternator is already old and needs to replace.
4. One of the spark plugs is not functioning properly.
5. The spark plug cable might not functioning properly.
6. The fuel pump might be jammed or not functioning properly.
7. Fuel filter is dirty and need to replace.
8. The car battery is out and need to charge again.
You can check your car ignition system after 5000km regularly.If none of this method working,you might refer to your mechanic or experties.
1. Your car engine can't be started.
2. Your car have jerking problem when moving on the road.
3. The engine crank for a long time before it can be started.
4. Your car suddenly die in the middle of your journey.
5. Your car warm up at least 10 minutes(long time) before you can go to work.
6. Sometimes your car is having problem to start in the early of morning or in a cold season.
When you encounter one of this problem,dont panic,you can check your ignition system.Important components for car's ignition system are starter,distributor,alternator,spark plug,cabel plug,fuel filter,fuel pump and battery.Basic guide to check the problem for these components are:
1. Check the starter to see whether it has a lot of carbons
2. Distributor timing might need to tune again.
3. The alternator is already old and needs to replace.
4. One of the spark plugs is not functioning properly.
5. The spark plug cable might not functioning properly.
6. The fuel pump might be jammed or not functioning properly.
7. Fuel filter is dirty and need to replace.
8. The car battery is out and need to charge again.
You can check your car ignition system after 5000km regularly.If none of this method working,you might refer to your mechanic or experties.
Monday, November 15, 2010
In the people point of view, yawning happen when they're feel sleepy. Actually yawning occur when human body have insufficient amount of oxygen. When the body is in insufficient amount of oxigen,it will alert the brain to do the next action which is yawning activity. As a result, a lot of oxygen will inhale into the body until the amount are required. Thats why when yawning,the mouth will open for quite a long time to gather sufficient amount of oxygen. Human can avoid the yawning effect by taking a deep breath at least 3 times once a hour.Drinking a lot of plain water also can help to reduce yawning symptom.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Vuvuzela song or ringtone
You miss world cup 2010?Perhaps you miss the sound of vuvuzela too..You can download here by click at the link below to recall the legendary vuvuzela sound!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Salam sejahtera,
Berikut adalah beberapa catatan diri saya utk bulan ini
a) asik tinggal subuh
b) xde mood nak wat keje
c) malas
d) hilang semangat
e) memikirkan sesuatu(ape eh)
f) macam rase x puas terhadap sesuatu
g) boring
h) hati x tenang
ohhh macam mane ni..ya Allah...huhuhu
Berikut adalah beberapa catatan diri saya utk bulan ini
a) asik tinggal subuh
b) xde mood nak wat keje
c) malas
d) hilang semangat
e) memikirkan sesuatu(ape eh)
f) macam rase x puas terhadap sesuatu
g) boring
h) hati x tenang
ohhh macam mane ni..ya Allah...huhuhu
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Racing Paper Car DIY!!!
Kepada sape2 yang memang minat gila main keta x kisah la keta sport btul ke,modified ke,RC car ataupun yang suka wat model keta.Haa,ni ade barang baik punye untuk korang.Free lak tu.Ni ha ade model paper racing car yang aku amik daripada jonsibal(thanks jonsibal!).Ini model keta toyota hsv 010gt daripada team Epson Jepun.Ape yg perlu korang wat senang je.Just print gambar2 ni(lebih elok kalo ade printer kaler) pastu potong and lastly lipat2 n lekat2.Selamat mencuba!!!

picture 1

picture 2
Yang ni plak instruction tp dalam bahasa jepun so korang kene paham2 sendiri la...hehehe

Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

picture 1

picture 2
Yang ni plak instruction tp dalam bahasa jepun so korang kene paham2 sendiri la...hehehe

Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
No Surprises....
A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
With No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silence, silent
This is my final fit, my final bellyache with...
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises please
Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises
(let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises
(let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises please
(let me out of here)
p/s: A beautiful song............................
A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide
With No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silence, silent
This is my final fit, my final bellyache with...
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises please
Such a pretty house and such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises
(let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises
(let me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises please
(let me out of here)
p/s: A beautiful song............................
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sale!!Sale!!Sale!! Bag For Sale!!
Tajuk tu ade rhyme x?haha..Lame jugak aku x update blog ni..maaf ye peminat2 sume sebab lame anda menunggu(ade peminat ke?)..hehe..ok la posting kali ni xde pe just aku nak promote kan satu barang baik ni..

Ni la dier bag untuk kamera DSLR.Dier ade 5 compartment.Compartment ni mcm satu untuk camera body,speedlite,lens,etc.Yang ni punye from Sony DSLR punye bag.Tapi sesuai jgk untuk camera DSLR yang lain macam Nikon,Canon,etc..Harge murah je, pada sape2 yang berminat bleh la email aku at atau sms/call 012-2178041.
Ni la dier bag untuk kamera DSLR.Dier ade 5 compartment.Compartment ni mcm satu untuk camera body,speedlite,lens,etc.Yang ni punye from Sony DSLR punye bag.Tapi sesuai jgk untuk camera DSLR yang lain macam Nikon,Canon,etc..Harge murah je, pada sape2 yang berminat bleh la email aku at atau sms/call 012-2178041.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I'm Going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair
Hi readers!,I know my posts is submit in last minute but i want to try if i still can get 400 lucky nuffnangers to go to the 'Party'.What party?,Its a Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair!!!!Yeah Baby!!..If you want to go,the details are..

The Date will be at 17th April 2010..(Check out the calendar!!>.<)

The time will start from 10 am till 5 pm...

The place will be held at Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.
There are going to be lucky draws and various cool gadgets worth up to RM15,000 up for grabs!There are also will have Sumo Wrestling (in air bag suits!), gladiator battles and other amusing and addictive games you would expect at a fun-fair!For more details,check it out at and get to know more!..Come on over to the fair guys.Anyway,it is a Saturday!!!...Cheers
The Date will be at 17th April 2010..(Check out the calendar!!>.<)

The time will start from 10 am till 5 pm...

The place will be held at Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.
There are going to be lucky draws and various cool gadgets worth up to RM15,000 up for grabs!There are also will have Sumo Wrestling (in air bag suits!), gladiator battles and other amusing and addictive games you would expect at a fun-fair!For more details,check it out at and get to know more!..Come on over to the fair guys.Anyway,it is a Saturday!!!...Cheers
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera,
Panjang sungguh entry di atas,hahaha....Tapi memang tu cara terbaik untuk aku explain pasal segmen ni.Hmm dimana nak stat,hmm okay!mcm ni.....iklan dulu....
Aku rase sume org penah ade experience tgk movie kat pc/laptop.Biasela skrng kan zaman hi-tech.Penah x bler korang tgk movie kat pc tu xde subtitle?Aku rs penah kot.Kalo korg x fhm ape yg aku ckp ni,aku akan tunjukkan contoh movie yg ade subtitle kat dlmnye.

Gambar atas : contoh movie yang ade subtitle
Kadang2 tu korg x dpt subtitle bler tgk movie.Bagi aku x syok la kalo xde subtitle sebab x faham ape yg actor/actress tu cakap (mostly untuk movie2 selain dari bahasa malaysia).So untuk menyelesaikan masalah ni mudah saje.
Langkah2nye adalah:
A.bukak website ni ade menyediakan byk terjemahan pelbagai bahasa.
B.Pastu kat website subscene tu,korang tulis tajuk cerita yang korang nak cari.Contohnye "twilight".
C.Bler dh dpt file terjemahan(subtitle) x kire la terjemahan english ke,indon ke,arab ke,korang download dan save.Pastu korang copy n paste ke file/folder movie twilight tu.
D.Langkah terakhir ialah korang tukar name file subtitle tu ke nama movie tu tp tambah kat blakang nama movie tu ".srt".Contohnye name movie/cerita "twilight",n then file subtitle tu korang tulis as "".Confirm menjadi mujarab pati limau herba cap rambutan!!!..
Kalo korg x faham lg sila click ni
Pasni pasti xde masalah untuk tgk movie n subtitle skali.Selamat mencuba!!!
Panjang sungguh entry di atas,hahaha....Tapi memang tu cara terbaik untuk aku explain pasal segmen ni.Hmm dimana nak stat,hmm okay!mcm ni.....iklan dulu....
Aku rase sume org penah ade experience tgk movie kat pc/laptop.Biasela skrng kan zaman hi-tech.Penah x bler korang tgk movie kat pc tu xde subtitle?Aku rs penah kot.Kalo korg x fhm ape yg aku ckp ni,aku akan tunjukkan contoh movie yg ade subtitle kat dlmnye.

Gambar atas : contoh movie yang ade subtitle
Kadang2 tu korg x dpt subtitle bler tgk movie.Bagi aku x syok la kalo xde subtitle sebab x faham ape yg actor/actress tu cakap (mostly untuk movie2 selain dari bahasa malaysia).So untuk menyelesaikan masalah ni mudah saje.
Langkah2nye adalah:
A.bukak website ni ade menyediakan byk terjemahan pelbagai bahasa.
B.Pastu kat website subscene tu,korang tulis tajuk cerita yang korang nak cari.Contohnye "twilight".
C.Bler dh dpt file terjemahan(subtitle) x kire la terjemahan english ke,indon ke,arab ke,korang download dan save.Pastu korang copy n paste ke file/folder movie twilight tu.
D.Langkah terakhir ialah korang tukar name file subtitle tu ke nama movie tu tp tambah kat blakang nama movie tu ".srt".Contohnye name movie/cerita "twilight",n then file subtitle tu korang tulis as "".Confirm menjadi mujarab pati limau herba cap rambutan!!!..
Kalo korg x faham lg sila click ni
Pasni pasti xde masalah untuk tgk movie n subtitle skali.Selamat mencuba!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Catatan pukul 12 tgh malam
Hi gang,welcome to my blog.Actually agak lame jugak x update blog.Dulu macam takde idea nak tulis ape,or mmg x minat menulis pun.Skarang je baru aku update blog balik sebab nak isi mase lapang.Masa dah time abis banyak beb.Aku rase cam rugi je.Yela dulu time undergrad memang enjoy abis.Takde masenye nk update blog2 ni,on9 pun main ym,fesbuk,or tgk youtube je.Tp byk mase aku abis kat jalan2 r.Dulu time duk melaka mmg round abis.Al-maklum la melaka tu kat tempat pelancong.So mmg rugi la kalo x p jalan2 kat melaka.Banyak tempat menarik kat sane.Nanti aku upload kan kat blog ni.Skarang ni zaman teknologi canggih.Banyak bende yang kter leh wat ngan internet ni.Leh download movie,download lagu,tgk video,cari nota utk assignment,exam,projek,bleh bayar bil on9,bleh cek duit atm kat on9,ah macam2 lagi ah.X larat aku nak explain satu2.Contoh terbaik bler ade internet ni ialah dpt ngorat awek.Biasenye laki la ngorat pompuan kan?Mmg la ade pompuan ngorat laki tp majoriti mmg laki yg ngorat pompuan,br gentlemen...hahaha...kalo dulu mmg payah nk ngorat.Mase time aku sekolah rendah dulu,aku main surat cinta je.Punyelah susah dulu sebab nk cari kertas karangan dulu,pastu kene bli sampul plak,tu blum letak bedak kasi wangi sket surat tu.hahaha..Dulu mmg ayat cinta mmg standard r iaitu mesti ade "kepada sekian2 pastu ending ngan pantun or syair or yg sewaktu dengannye..pastu dh up sket kat sekolah menengah pakai public fon..Kalo dh ramai kapel kat skolah,mmg beratur la kat public fon kat jalan2 tepi rumah nk kol awek punye pasal.Tu blum yg gayut lame lg,nk kene bwk spray or psg ubat nyamuk nk halau nyamuk..skrng ni mmg senang r...nk ngorat awek x payah amik mase berbulan2 macam dulu,skrng 5 saat je nk ngorat.Bler dh ade fesbuk,nk usha awek senang je..tgk je gambar awek mane yg ko bkenan,pastu add.kalo dier approve,apa lagi sent msg la.Tu blum masuk kalo awek tu tgh on9 skali,leh chat trus.Pasang ayat cantek2 sket(ni kalo buaya darat mmg hebat la ayat mengayat ni,aku x pandai pun..hehe),silap2 dpt awek sorg.Senang kan?bdk2 sekolah zaman skrang pun dh ade fb,pakcik makcik aku pun dh ade fb.Sonang yo nk join fb ni,bkk pastu register!alahai sonang nyo...k la sebenarnye aku menulis sebab nk ilangkn bosan n lagi satu aku nk introduce psl blog aku ni...Dalam blog ni aku akan share ngan korang pasl hobi aku iaitu music,automotive,technology,komputer,gajet,pendidikan,kesihatan,fotografi dan sukan...So ni la plan aku utk tahun ni iaitu utk majukan blog aku yg mmg x maju harap korg bg support kat aku..k la catatan hari ni abis kul 12.20 a.m...gudnite,aku nk tdo...

Bestnye kalo banyak duit...hehe

Bestnye kalo banyak duit...hehe
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