Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Six Tips on Save Your Car Fuel

1. Lighten the load: The more weight in your car, the more fuel it will burn. Lighten the load by removing anything you don't need.
2. Reduce your speed: Take it a bit slower on the motorway, you'll save on fuel and also speeding tickets.
3. Keep it steady: It takes more fuel to get a car moving than to keep it moving.
4. Inflate your tyres: Under-inflated tyres add rolling resistance, thus burning more fuel. Check your tyre pressure constantly to make sure it's at the recomended level.
5. Replace your air filter: A clogged air filter restricts the air flowing into your engine, hindering performance. Replace your air filter and add up to 10% more fuel efficiency to your car.
6. Give your engine a tune-up: Not only will a tune-up keep your car running in tip-top shape, it can also increase your fuel efficiency between 4% to 40%.

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